Discover Local Diving in Northern Ireland

£ 55.00

Want to get back in the water or see some of the local sites available to you?

Many people believe that the tropical overseas offers more than what there is available locally. In some aspects they are right, but with hundreds of wrecks and reefs around the coast of Northern Ireland, if you really enjoy diving and are limited by budget our discover local diving sessions would be perfect for you.

The Discover Local Diving program is a PADI supervised underwater tour By A Member of our Dive Team, designed to orientate certified divers to unfamiliar aquatic conditions and environments. It may also be used to re-introduce divers to the open water environment after a period of diving inactivity Via Refresher and Reactivate Courses

You may choose to discover new aspects to a dive site close to home or get an orientation to the local area to gain confidence and experience. The guidance by one of our PADI Diving Instructors or Divemasters allows participants to comfortably explore different underwater environments, find items of interest and avoid potential hazards. If you have been inactive lately you may find that the PADI Scuba Review program combined with Discover Local Diving is just what you need to get back in the water.

If you want to find out more about this or anything else please contact us now and we will be Glad to assist you Further

Discover Local Diving duration

  • 1 day consisting of 2 dives.

Discover Local Diving pre-requisites

  • Minimum of entry level Scuba Diving Certification.

Discover Local Diving Price Includes

  • Supervision by a PADI Professional

  • Air fills

  • All Basic Equipment if Required if required.


  • Dive site entry fees.

  • Boat Charges.

  • Any Transport to the dive sites.

Product Options
Continue your diving education.